Advanced Diagnostic Testing in Psychiatry.
Explore several diagnostic tests that can be incorporated into a holistic evaluation of psychiatric symptoms.
The Brain.
If neural integration is the goal of treatment, it helps to have a method to conceptualize neural networking abnormalities. Applying this to each symptomatic presentation can guide your diagnostic and treatment plan more effectively.
The Integrative Psychiatry Matrix
The Integrative Psychiatry Matrix (IPM) is a tool to guide the integrative psychiatry approach in the practice setting.
Problems with Diagnosis and Formulation.
In this blog, I’ll review some of the problems with psychiatric diagnosis and formulation in conventional practice and how Integrative Psychiatry proposes a solution to these problems.
Problems with Treatment.
Explore common issues of efficacy and tolerability among treatment options in conventional psychiatric practice (e.g., pharmaceuticals, psychotherapy, and lifestyle modification).
What is Integrative (Holistic) Psychiatry?
Discover how integrative (Holistic) Psychiatry targets the underlying root causes of symptoms and psychiatric illness through the incorporation of leading-edge diagnostics, medication, nutraceuticals, lifestyle modification, and psychotherapy techniques personalized to individual interests and needs.